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Women and being associated delivery
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Hello to all the women entrepreneurs out there! If you’re looking for a way to stand out in the delivery world and earn some extra money, BOZZ is the way to go!

Delivery is not just for men, and at BOZZ we make sure that everyone has the same opportunities. In fact, 40% of our subscribers are women! At BOZZ, we focus on the talent and ability of each person, regardless of their gender.

If you are a woman looking to start a business in the delivery industry, here are some things you can do to stand out:

Be punctual: always arrive on time to pick up and deliver orders. This will allow you to gain the trust and respect of your customers.

Maintain a good image: Make sure you look presentable and that your equipment is clean and in good repair. This will project a professional image and make you stand out from the crowd.

Be nice and polite: treat your customers with respect and kindness. Being nice can make all the difference in the customer experience and ensure you get a good tip.

Know the city well: Familiarize yourself with the streets and addresses of the city. This will allow you to be more efficient in your work and deliver orders faster.

At BOZZ, we provide you with all the necessary tools to undertake in the delivery industry. With our electric scooters, maintenance and insurance included, all you have to focus on is working hard and doing a good job.

There’s no better time than now to join the BOZZ family and become your own boss!

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